
Dollar Tree DIY | Craft Supplies Lazy Susan Organizer | April 2017

2017-10-12 1 Dailymotion

Hey Guys!!! Welcome to my channel. Just so you know, you will find a ton of different types of videos here to use in almost every area of your life! I may not be a pro at anything but Im DAMN good at a lot of things! I dont know what I meant to do here but I know overall, I simply want to inspire someone today to believe in themselves tomorrow. Everyone has a history and we are all human. We can all relate in various ways. If youve forgotten your value.well.its time to take it back and remember! I hope to be one of the few people in your lives that can help you do that. Love you guys. Old and new and even the THUMBSDOWNERS cause you cant keep us down! And maybe one day youll be on our side.until then.TFW!\r
Latest Creative Projects:\r
Spinning Jewelry Box Display Dollar Store DIY:\r
WASHI Tape Storage and Display DIY Using FREE Product:\r
Get Organized On A Budget INSPIRATION and IDEAS!\r
His and Hers Restroom Sink Cabinet Dollar Store Organization:\r
Kitchen Sink Cabinet Dollar Store Organization:\r
Kitchen Cabinets and Drawer Organization:\r
Kitchen Pantry Dollar Store Organization:\r
Laundry Room Dollar Store Organization:\r
Fridge Organization UPDATE REAL LIFE Systems:\r
Planner Inspiration for 2016!!!\r
Checkout My January Plan With Me Layout Sugar Paper Planner:\r
MINI Personal Planner Plan With Me Jan and COVER\r
February Plan with me and HOW TO USE WASHI:\r
Repurposed Products I use DAILY:\r
Nail Polish Rack DIY:\r
24 Lipstick Holder DIY:\r
NEED MORE??? Keep Going.\r
Whats a POCKET LETTER and how do you make one? Go here:\r
Bored? Need some crafty or DIY inspiration? Go here:\r
Want to create your own custom planner? Go here:\r
Want to get stuff organized? Go here:\r
Want some stockpile storage tips and tricks? Go here:\r
Want to get to know me better.Go Here:\r
Wanna Send Me Something? Send it here:\r
P.O Box 5386\r
Katy Tx. 77491\r
Want some critical and useful coupon info? Go here:\r
What SPEND really means to a couponer: \r
How to apply your overage when shopping:\r
Shopping with overage:\r
Small Hauls are GREAT too:\r
Sometimes multiple transions IS worth it:\r
Need recipe ideas? Go here: \r
If you have any video requests, feel free to mention them! I love doing videos for you guys that you WANT to see.\r
You can find me on Instagram Google+ @coupontoprovide!\r
I also include several Dollar Store Hauls along with budget friendly D.I.Y projects! \r
Wanna Send Me Something?\r
P.O Box 5386\r
Katy Tx. 77491